

Emerge(ncy) Party began online in 2020. It was a space for young people to collaborate with old(er) people to explore big ideas through art, co-directed by Barney McElholm & Bethany West, in partnership with so many brilliant people.

Throughout 2021 and 2022, we hung out with 60 teenagers from King Solomon Academy, Trinity Academy, the Limehouse Youth Hub and Compass Collective. In collaboration with adolescent neuroscientist, Maddy Moses-Payne, our project BECOMING explored the unique elements of being a teenager that might make young people particularly good at imagining new futures. You can find a record of this journey here.

Director Bethany West & Barney McElholm

Researcher Madeline Moses-Payne

Producer Chelsey Everatt

Digital Producer Lauren Gee

Multimedia Producer Jude Shapiro

Associate Artist Connie Treves

Film Makers Jude Shapiro & Martha Treves

Workshop Assistants Bathseba Mahray & Ashleigh Sobowale

Production Photography Martha Treves

Website & Artwork Belen Campos